Orchesterverein Concentus21 - amateur symphony orchestra welcomes new members

Orchesterverein Concentus21 Wien

Welcome to the world of Concentus21! On this website you'll find an overview on our concerts. You're interested to join us as musician? Take a look at the information on the page and use the contact form to get in touch with our artistic director and conductor Herbert Krenn. (Become a member...)

The orchestra Concentus21 established in 2004 is a traditional community orchestra. Members share their love of music and motivation to play in concert regularly. The repertoire comprises music from the classic and romantic eras, as well as some Viennese music. We emphasize on bringing the lesser known works to the stage they deserve. Working with renowned soloists or playing in opera productions provide great experiences for ambitious amateurs. Our artistic director and conductor Herbert Krenn is rooted in the Viennese tradition of music making which he very successfully passes on to the members of the orchestra.

Latest news and a lot more about the orchestra, you can find on our Facebook Seite.

Concert review
